Monday, November 2, 2009

PROJECT :: Halloween Costume :: Conclusion

After spending nearly a week constructing a costume with which I was almost entirely fed up, the end product resulted in lots of dropped jaws from random folks over the Halloween weekend. The above picture is the same photo with some color correction/editing done in order to show the lighting of the skyscraper. The skyline backdrop was drawn in a half an hour on Halloween night when I came up with the idea, hence the general crappiness of it.

Above are some behind the scenes photos showing the lighting, my biplane and me putting on my stilts. The portable, battery operated fluorescent lights packed the needed punch and provided a uniform lighting through out the costume.
Above and below are some photos from wearing the costume out on Friday and Saturday night. The third thumbnail above shows a view from below looking up at me while wearing the costume. Unfortunately the quality of photos I have of me in the costume aren't the greatest, limiting the comprehension of scale and luminosity.
I've since heard that the costume has been tagged as "the best costume in the world" on facebook! After much hard work and a little bit of frustration, I am glad to hear that other people enjoyed the costume. And, lastly, here's a photo of the sweaty man behind the mask.
This project took approximately 15 to 20 hours of design and development, approximately 25 to 30 hours of construction and cost around $150 (after returning some items).