With the first semester successfully completed at Hochschule Wismar's Master of Architectural Lighting Design, I figured it a good time to recap on the work completed in the past 5 months. Below you will find our first group project given to us during our first week.
Within this project, we were asked to find a location within our design building on the campus wherein we felt the lighting was poor and could then be improved. We chose a bathroom corridor that had no daylight and little to no signage. The following images was our presentation for our group's concept.
The space as it originally is.
First argument against the existing lighting of the space.
Second argument against the existing lighting of the space.
First applied solution to the lighting scheme.
Second applied solution to the lighting scheme.
Sample of specifications and details to use in order to achieve our concept.
Final mock up integrating our previously listed concepts.
As our first project, it was interesting to work in groups with a diverse student population. The solution to our space wouldn't have been found if we hadn't worked in a group to achieve this concept. It was also interesting to observe how our solution evolved as we experimented with different lighting techniques and took inspiration from different artists.