Thursday, October 22, 2009

PROJECT :: Halloween Costume :: Part 1

Anyone who knows me knows that I tend to go "all out" for Halloween. This year is no exception! After some thought, I've decided to be the classic Hollywood image of King Kong on top of the skyscraper. And with the help of flickr, which I suggest anyone does before coming up with a costume concept in order to see how people may have done it before you, I found some variations on the theme. Of course there were plenty of people dressed as King Kong, but nobody dressed as both King Kong and the skyscraper...together. This came close, but not quite what I have in mind.

Above is an initial concept sketch I've drawn for my costume. My lower half of my body will be the skyscraper on stilts, for added height, and my uppper half will be in the King Kong/Gorilla costume. This will also be a lighting project in which I will attempt to light the skyscraper effectively from the inside to have it appear as a building.

Above is a Sketch Up animation of the proposed costume which might give a little more insight as to how the costume is intended to work.

To the left are some quick sketches for my dimensioning and building purposes drawn on AutoCAD. I'll post again later with photos of the skyscraper as it's being built and, of course, the final product. Below are some classical images of King Kong for inspiration. Happy Halloween!